Monday, October 8, 2007

HW:17b Cox vs. Zuniga

After reading the two articles in Kline & Burstein and visiting the two different websites, I think that Daily Kos by Zuniga was much more influential. First of all, he seemed passionate about blogging and his job. Blogging started out as a hobby for him and it literally turned into a career. I found it extremely interesting about how he kind of stumbled upon blogging and decided to give it a try so he would stop annoying the people who had to listen to him talk about politics everyday. He seems to have a lot of influence on the Democratic party and previous campaigns.

Zuniga states “I mean, all I can do, along with other political bloggers, is gather up my raders and talk about the issues, bounce ideas off each other, maybe offer some talking points, and then point them to things that need to achieve the political goals we want.” (Kline 48)

I found this quote interesting and I thought it told a lot about his personality. He is so open to ideas and truly is passionate about what he does. Another thing I liked about him was the layout of his blog. I thought it looked very professional and the writing was less casual than other blogs that I have looked at. I think the reason Zuniga’s blog is more likely to influence me when it comes to voting in upcoming elections is because I felt Cox’s blog and interview was much more informal. It kind of seemed like she did not care as much about what she was doing and was not as excited about political blogging and blogging in general.

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