Wednesday, September 26, 2007

HW: 13 Business Blogging

I personally think that the impact of blogging on business is much more important then blogging on communication. I see other types of blogging, as hobbies that people have and while blogging about business can actually be productive. Baker and Green seem to believe that nobody can afford to close their eyes to the world of blogging, they emphasize how blogging with eventually shape every business. Companies have already begun to realize how much of an impact the internet has on our society and blogging is becoming a huge part of that. I think that business blogging is something positive that has come out of this whole process, it allows customers to get a better look at the company and the product they may be purchasing and it allows business to advertise and make more profits. From Green and Baker “You can bet that your competitors are exploring ways to harvest new ideas from blogs, sprinkle ads into them, and yes, find out what you and other competitors are up to.” (Kline 223) Not only will business blogging affect the customer but it will allows companies to see their competition more clearly. There is clear evidence that business blogging has already started to make an impact. Mark Jen was a Google employee and was shortly fired after he blogged about how his former employer, Microsoft had a more generous health plan. this just goes to show that businesses are aware of blogging and how it could help their company or ultimately destroy them.

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