Wednesday, September 5, 2007

HW 2: Blogging goes global

Blogging is going global:
It is hard to believe that use of blogging has grown so much over the past couple of years. Not knowing much about blogs before this class started it is amazing to learn about them and how much they are expanding. David Kline’s 12 key ideas about blogging emphasize just how common they are becoming. As Kline says “blogs are already changing culture and politics around the globe.” Relating to this is somewhat difficult, mainly because blogging has never been part of my life. However, it is clearly growing and taking on many responsibilities such as politics. I find it interesting that people have adopted this idea of blogging and have become extremely interested in it. It is surprising to see how much of an impact blogs have had on serious issues. Not only have they become popular in the United States but they are making their way around the world and virtually connecting all of us together. Kline also discusses how blogging software allows more countries like the UK, Australia, and Sweden to get their voices heard on numerous subjects. It is clear that blogging with continue to dominate in today's society and will only become more and more popular.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

Good--this meets most of the requirements of the assignment.
Although you don't have previous experience with blogs, you might still be able to relate the text to interests of your own if you are interested in any of the things that the author says blogging will affect or is connected to, like international issues, say, or cave paintings, or politics.